Using Constrained Intuitionistic Linear Logic in both Discrete and Continuous Domains


Mert Duatepe
MSc. Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

The underlying domain of various application areas, especially the real-time systems and robotic applications, generally include the combination of discrete and continuous properties of the application environment. In robotic applications, a large number of different approaches are introduced to solve either a discrete planning or control theory, and also some different methods exist to solve the combination of them. However, those methods fail to ensure a uniform treatment of both aspects of the domain and therefore a uniform framework to represent and solve such problems is needed extremely. A new formalism, Constrained Intuitionistic Linear Logic (CILL) that combines continuous constraint solvers with linear logic to construct a single language in which the problem can be expressed, is introduced. The choice of logical system in this framework is not coincident since this system gives us to express the current domain and reason with it powerfully. In this talk, I intend to give a gentle introduction about the intuitionistic logic, why we are using it rather than the classical aspect in robotic problems, the general connectives of Intuitionistic Linear Logic (ILL), the representation of constraint solvers in ILL, and a few robotic problem demonstrations using this framework.


DATE: 26 March, 2007, Monday@ 17:00